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Hello everyone, thank you for all your calls and concern. I am back until 28th of August and then will be away with my family for a holiday until 5th of September. I've got very few slots left and I am prioritizing businesses weekdays and users for weekends.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Stan



Computers have been a passion of mine since I was about eight and I saw one for the very first time. I got my first computer when I was about thirteen and I disassembled it only few months later. That is how it all started.

Professionally I have been working since 2002 and in 2007 I started my own business. 

I enjoy working with people as much as tinkering with computer repair Cambridge. I feel it is important to explain the problem to my clients, with examples he or she can understand. That way the equipment seems less intimidating, and my clients understand the reason for the cost of the repair.  I know if I get that right I can be trusted as a go to person for any future issues.

On a personal note, I am happily married to my talented wife Maya, who is the local photographer among many other things, and we are raising together our two boys Daniel (9) and Samuel (2). And although nobody calls me that, my given name is Stanislav. 

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"I was so pleased to find Stan. He is totally reliable and knowledgeable and he lives in Over."

Stan is the IT man! He's there when we have any problems with phones, computers or website problems. We don't go anywhere else when we need help. Highly recommended.

— Pete Smith

— Kat & Darryl Bass, Passionate Flowers


Over Community Centre  |  Berrycroft Stores  |  Passionate Flowers  |  Marcus Project  |  JL Wight, Chimneysweep  
Polarglaze  |  Primary Developments  |  HLJ Foods  

The Studio


 If you have equipment left with me for more than 30 days and intend to use it, please collect withing the next week. All IT equipment not collected within that period would be disposed of.
Thank you!

Laptop repair in Cambridge


Inspections and drop-offs are welcome, but by appointment only. 
I am happy to give advice or to inspect your device free of charge, as long
as I am expecting you.
Thank you for your understanding.

If you need help with a problem not listed above in the content - please call me anyway. Modern equipment is complex, and so are the chances for something to go wrong. 





9:30 AM - 7:00 PM

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